28-29 Apr 2014 Montpellier (France)


We organise at the LIRMM (Montpellier, France) the 3rd edition of the Computability Days (‘Journées Calculabilités’) after Paris in 2012 and Nancy in 2013. This is a rather informal meeting whose goal is to gather researchers interested in computability, understood in a broad sense.



The main topics of the meeting are:

  • Turing computability (degrees, reductions)
  • Dynamical models of computation (cellular automata, tilings, sandpiles, population protocols, etc)
  • Physical and biological models of computation
  • Algebraic models of computation (abstract state machines, etc)
  • Infinitary models of computation (ordinal-time computation, computation over orders, etc)
  • Computable analysis, computable algebra
  • Algorithmic information theory and randomness
  • Reverse mathematics and proof theory
  • Computability and definability in set theory



Registration / Contact

Registration is free but mandatory. Please contact the organizers (Laurent Bienvenu, Bruno Durand, Gregory Lafitte) at:

jc [at] computability.fr

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