List of TalksAmaury Pouly: Computational Complexity of the GPAC [slides] In 1941, Claude Shannon introduced a model for the Differential Analyzer, called the General Purpose Analog Computer (GPAC). Originally it was presented as a model based on circuits, where several units performing basic operations (e.g.~sums, integration) are interconnected. However, Shannon itself realized that functions computed by a GPAC are nothing more than solutions of a special class of differential equations of the form y'=p(y) where p is a (vector of) polynomial. Analog computer have since been replace by digital counterpart. Nevertheless, once can wonder whether the GPAC could in theory have super-Turing computable power.
Chris Porter: The invariant degrees, randomness, and semi-measures [slides] In computability theory, there are a number of degree structures for comparing the computational strength of a sequence or collection of sequences with respect to deterministic computation, such as the Turing degrees, the Medvedev degrees, and the Muchnik degrees. What if we considered instead the computational strength of a sequence or collection of sequences with respect to probabilistic computation?
Olivier Finkel: The determinacy of infinite games specified by automata [slides] We prove that the determinacy of Gale-Stewart games whose winning sets are accepted by real-time 1-counter Büchi automata (or by 2-tape Büchi automata) is equivalent to the determinacy of (effective) analytic Gale-Stewart games which is known to be a large cardinal assumption. Using some results of set theory we prove that one can effectively construct a 1-counter Büchi automaton (respectively, a 2-tape Büchi automaton) A such that: (1) There exists a model of ZFC in which Player 1 has a winning strategy in the Gale-Stewart game G(L(A)); but the winning strategies cannot be recursive and not even hyperarithmetical. (2) There exists a model of ZFC in which the Gale-Stewart game is not determined.
Luca San Mauro: Classifying c.e. graphs In recent literature, the theory of computably enumerable equivalence relations (ceers) has been widely investigated. One of the most fruitful approaches is to study them considering the degree structure generated by the following reducibility: Given two ceers R and S, we say that R is reducible to S (R < S) if there is a computable function f s.t. xRy iff f(x)Sf(y), for every x, y.
In this talk, our proposal is to make use of this reducibility within a more general context than that of ceers, namely in the study of (simply undirected) c.e. graphs. The presentation is divided in two parts.
Firstly, we focus on computable graphs. While the theory of computable equivalence relations is quite trivial, the situation here is more intricate. We provide a partial characterization for the computable case.
Secondly, we move to universal graphs. Once shown few examples of c.e. universal graphs, we focus on one of them - call it U - whose definition is rather natural.
More generally, recall that there is a unique random graph RG s.t. every countable graph G can be embedded as an induced subgraph of RG. This fact depends on the following property (*): for every set of vertices V, U of RG, there is a vertex z that is adjacent to any element of V and non-adjacent to any element of U. Hence, it is natural to ask for some analogue of (*) in our context - specially after noticing that (*) fails for U. We discuss several candidates for this role.
Ludovic Patey: On universal instances of principles in reverse mathematics [slides] Most of statements of reverse mathematics are of the form (forall X)(exists Y)Phi(X,Y) where Phi is an arithmetical formula. In this case, X is called an instance and any Y such that Phi(X,Y) holds is called a solution. A statement admits a universal instance U if for every instance X and every solution to U, U computes a solution to X. A few principles are known to admit a universal instance,
eg. König's lemma, the rainbow Ramsey theorem...
But many others do not have one. This is for example the case of the Ramsey theorem for pairs or the Ascending Descending sequence principle.
We will present different proof techniques for proving the absence of universal instances for ranges of principles, classifying almost the whole Zoo of Damir Dzhafarov in terms of admitting universal instance or not.
Alex Borello: Turing degrees of limit sets of cellular automata Cellular automata are discrete dynamical systems and a model of computation. The limit set of a cellular automaton consists of the configurations having an infinite sequence of preimages. It is well known that these always contain a computable point and that any non-trivial property on them is undecidable. We go one step further by giving a full characterisation of the sets of Turing degrees of cellular automata: they are the same as the sets of Turing degrees of effectively closed sets containing a computable point.
Simon Martiel: Generalized Cayley Graphs and Causal Graph Dynamics Cellular Automata can be characterized as the translation-invariant continuous functions, where continuity is with respect to a certain distance over the set of configurations. This distance, and its properties, easily extend from grids to Cayley graphs. As a consequence, Cellular Automata also extend from grids to Cayley graphs. Cayley graphs have a number of useful features: the ability to graphically represent finitely generated group elements and their equality; to name all vertices relative to a point; the fact that they have a well-defined notion of translation, and that they can be endowed with such a compact metric. But they are very regular. We propose a notion of graph associated to a language, which conserves or generalizes these features. These associated
Charles Harris: The complexity of maximal block functions of \eta-like computable linear orderings [slides] [paper] An order type is \eta-like if it has the form \sum { F(q) | q \in Q } for some F : Q -> N - {0},
This raises the question (first mentioned in 1976) of whether C is 'precisely' the class of \eta-like computable order types possessing a \Pi_2 maximal block function. I will show how we answer this question in the negative by constructing an \eta-like computable linear ordering L for which there is no \Pi_2 function F such that L has order type \sum { F(q) | q \in Q }. I will also describe a quite general subclass of C whose members have order type \sum { F(q) | q \in Q } for some 0'-limitwise monotonic F---i.e. such that F is ``almost'' \Pi_2. I will also briefly show, via a specific example, the usefulness of this latter characterisation for the application of infinite injury type arguments in this context.
Andrei Romashchenko: Constraint information inequalities: geometric, combinatorial and algorithmic views [slides] Constraint information inequalities is one of the queerest phenomena discovered in information theory in 1990-s. These inequalities — linear inequalities for Shannon’s entropy — are valid for all distributions that satisfy some simple constraints (constraints are linear equalities for entropies). In the talk we discuss the geometric interpretation of these inequalities and suggest some applications of constraint information inequalities to Kolmogorov complexity and communication complexity.
Marc Raynaud : Machine d'Alan TURING |